
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's been a few weeks since my last post, so here's the scoop:


Signed January 6th, went on a cruise 7th-15th, came home, ripped out carpets, sanded floors, stained floors, knocked out a wall, installed a new ceiling light, moved many many boxes, unpacked many many boxes.

At some point in there I painted and mailed a pair of glasses for a friend. Glasses shattered in transit. This is the first time one of my pieces has arrived broken and I'm not happy about it. Will be re-painting/re-mailing soon.

The etsy store has been in vacation mode for the entire month of January (and the week of xmas). I've had several requests for things while moving and now that most of my studio has moved and been unpacked to a point where I can create things, it's back online! Shop away, and don't be afraid to ask for custom pieces!

Also, I've started Honey's Fence Fund, so if you're in the mood for a housewarming gift, we are $6000 away from fence-age.

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