
Friday, December 23, 2011

December Projects

It's Christmas, and I've been busy (just like you!). This month I made quite a few things:

-I painted a pilsner for my brother-in-law (Secret Santa)
-I painted some rose glasses(a friend wanted them to give away but asked really last minute, so they'll end up on etsy soon.)
-I made a silver spoon butterfly for my grandma
-I made a bunch of wire-wrapped rings, 3 for my nieces
-I made a cute beaded tiara and bracelet for my nieces birthday

Tiny rings for tiny fingers.

Extra large roses

This picture is actually one I made a long time ago, but the one I painted looks exactly like this.

Grandma's Silver Spoon Butterfly. That high-shine polish took effort!

Tiara and stretchy bracelet for Lily's birthday

Wire wrapped rings for adults. I'm not sure if I prefer the wrap all around or the anchor points. For the little girl ones I like them wrapped the whole way around, but there's something so steampunk about the visible loops on the exposed ones.

And, you know, it's xmas so I decorated the tree and made cookies. Our family cookie is a raw cookie flavored with liquor. Traditionally it's made with rum and walnuts. This year I made a traditional batch, a coconut/malibu batch, an almond/amaretto batch, and a hazelnut/buttershots batch. All told I made 6 batches. Bob pretty much ate them all...

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