
Friday, December 23, 2011

We're buying a house!

In less than a week, we close on our new home, and I'm very excited. It's a quaint little cap cod with an old carriage house and shed on 1.22 acres in the middle of Hershey. It was gutted and renovated 5 years ago so everything is new (except the woodwork with still has that 1930s charm). The loan was approved, the cash funds are working out, everything is inspected and fixed (except the radon, we'll take care of that before the year is out), and we are set to close before the new year. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

December Projects

It's Christmas, and I've been busy (just like you!). This month I made quite a few things:

-I painted a pilsner for my brother-in-law (Secret Santa)
-I painted some rose glasses(a friend wanted them to give away but asked really last minute, so they'll end up on etsy soon.)
-I made a silver spoon butterfly for my grandma
-I made a bunch of wire-wrapped rings, 3 for my nieces
-I made a cute beaded tiara and bracelet for my nieces birthday

Tiny rings for tiny fingers.

Extra large roses

This picture is actually one I made a long time ago, but the one I painted looks exactly like this.

Grandma's Silver Spoon Butterfly. That high-shine polish took effort!

Tiara and stretchy bracelet for Lily's birthday

Wire wrapped rings for adults. I'm not sure if I prefer the wrap all around or the anchor points. For the little girl ones I like them wrapped the whole way around, but there's something so steampunk about the visible loops on the exposed ones.

And, you know, it's xmas so I decorated the tree and made cookies. Our family cookie is a raw cookie flavored with liquor. Traditionally it's made with rum and walnuts. This year I made a traditional batch, a coconut/malibu batch, an almond/amaretto batch, and a hazelnut/buttershots batch. All told I made 6 batches. Bob pretty much ate them all...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hoods, spoons, and fun!!!

I sold 3 things last month, 2 pens and a wine glass. I got my new business cards, and I've also been working on some projects:

I'm trying to get make some hooded scarves based off of my poncho. This was my first try, and while fun, the fabrics i chose are way too heavy to give to anyone so I'll need to try again. I'm thinking about a fleece one with some decorative stitching?
Very Assassin's Creed isn't it?
 My Grandma saw some butterflies made out of silver spoons on silverspoongallery, and brought me a bag of antique spoons. I'm kind of tackling it one step at a time. I cut it out a couple of weeks ago, and I put it together today.It's still in the pickle pot getting the rest of oxidation off, and then i need to clean up the body and polish everything, and add a pin backing to it, but here's some eye candy:

It IS pretty cute...

I've just about got my pen technique down, I'm getting pretty awesome at it if I do say so myself. I never thought they'd be so popular.

Also newsworthy, we've had our xmas presents bought and wrapped for almost a month now:

The presents to the left are for other people. The patterned baskets are full of play-food for my nieces. I'm using one of those boxes to gift one of my beer glasses. I'm going to have to keep an eye out on sales on these boxes after xmas.

Mine are on the left and Bob's are on the right. You can tell because my wrapping paper seletion is perfect. lol. I stacked them all first so I could make sure to wrap them in alternating paper. I also made that cute little box on the top of his presents out of wrapping paper.